In the Santavator the service panel will not allow for the user to go to Santa's Office unless they are in the Santa Persona.
Watching the network requests when the service panel is opened, it is shown where the javascript library app.js is requested. One of the things this does, on line 47, is to built a list of the tokens that are passed in the URL query paraneter token.
From visiting the santavator as Santa, I saw that this token variable included a value of besanta
Within the Chrome developer tools, I added a breakpoint to line 52 of app.js, right after the tokens variable is defined. When the debugger was launched, I added a watch to the tokens variable. I then unpaused the debugger.
With the tokens variable in the watch stack, I changed a value (marble) to besanta.
At this point, I could press the 3rd floor button for Santa's Office and pass the fingerprint scanner.
An overview of all people, places, and events can be learned in the Introduction.